Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Settle in

"Look at the plants and trees; their foliage flourishes, then drops in late autumn, returning to the roots, as a natural pattern. Returning to the root, it does not die but regenerates come springtime. From this principle we can see that endless regeneration is the Way of nature, while returning to their roots is the inherent pattern of beings. Those who know the inherent pattern and do not violate the Way are real people. That is why "real people breathe from their heels" - the heels are like the root. During the 3 months of winter, which is the season to return to the root, you should quietly nurture this."

by Thomas Cleary

Friday, December 4, 2015

Body Intelligence
By Rumi

Your intelligence is always with you,
overseeing your body, even though
you may not be aware of its work.

if you start doing something against
your health, your intelligence
will eventually scold you.

If it hadn’t been so lovingly close by,
and so constantly monitoring,
how could it rebuke?

You and your intelligence
are like the beauty and the precision
of a astrolabe.

Together, you calculate how near
existence is to the sun!

Your intelligence is marvelously intimate.
It’s not in front of you or behind,
or to the left or the right.

Now try, my friend, to describe how near
is the creator of your intellect!

Intellectual searching will not find
the way to that king!

The movement of your finger
is not separate from your finger.

You go to sleep or you die,
and there’s no intelligent motion.
Then you wake and your fingers
fill with meanings.

Now consider the jewel-lights in your eyes.
How do they work?
This visible universe has many
weathers and variations.

But uncle, O uncle,
the universe of the creation-word,
the divine command to Be, that universe
of qualities is beyond any pointing to.

More intelligent than intellect
and more spiritual than spirit.

No being is unconnected to that reality,
and that connection cannot be said.
There, there’s no separation and no return.

There are guides who can show you the way.
Use them. But they will not satisfy your longing.
Keep wanting that connection
with all your pulsating energy.

The throbbing vein
will take you further
than any thinking.

Observe the wonders as they occur around you.
Don’t claim them. Feel the artistry
moving through, and be silent.

-The Essential Rumi translated by Coleman Barks

Saturday, November 28, 2015

In just a few minutes - Move

New job has got me wearing big girl shoes in an effort to appear more professional. Big girl shoes are wreaking havoc on my feet and legs.

I needed just.10.minutes. (which is good because that's really all i had). So, here is my 10 (maybe 15 minute practice)

1) 2 minutes of breath of fire in Thunderbolt pose on a block
2) Cat & cow - how ever many feel right

3) leg stretch on hands & knees - extend one leg out, point & flex  toes take ball of foot to floor. stretch thru heel and calf.
4) step foot through to low lunge -
 5) extend front leg into half monkey pose  - bend knee back into low lunge -rotate body and lift outer arm into a twist
then back to low lunge
half monkey
Repeat 3x ending w/resting in half monkey for a few cycles of breath.
6) low lunge to gate posture
7) back to low lunge.

8) cat & cow
9) knees/chest/chin
10) cobra
11) 3 legged dog (unstretched leg lifted)

12)Hands and knees
Repeat steps 3 - 12 on opposite side.
From 3 legged dog

13) Downward dog
14) Forward fold

16) Arch building  exercises -
      Spread the toes wide
      Roll to the outsides of the feet ***VERY IMPORTANT to press into the outsides of the feet and NOT
      roll into the ankles.***** Keep the pinky toe active and walk from the front to the back of the mat on
      the outsides of the feet.
      Repeat on the insides of the feet ****
      Alternate the inside of one foot and the outside of the other - then switch feet.

18)Lift heels and arms then rock back lifting toes and dropping arms.
19)Goddess squat with eagle arms  - both sides.
20) Sitting meditation or savasana.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Teacup arms

I really enjoy the Qigong movement of teacup arms or tea light arms.

I work this movement into many asanas in my personal practice. Also, on those days when there is little time, this movement is very helpful in waking up the body & lifting my spirits at any time of the day.

This is a wonderful way to move through the back, shoulders, wrists.

Let the groovy Dr. Love demonstrate.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Journey

One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices  around you kept shouting 
their bad advice ~
though the whole house 
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug at your ankles. 
"Mend my life!" 
each voice cried. 
But you didn't stop. 
You knew what you had to do, 
though the wind pried with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations, 
though their melancholy was terrible. 
It was already late enough, 
and a wild night, 
and the road full of fallen branches and stones. 
But little by little, 
as you left their voices behind, 
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds, 
and there was a new voice
which you slowly recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper into the world, 
determined to do the only thing you could do ~
determined to save the only life you could save."
~Mary Oliver

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Drink up


You are probably already dehydrated if you feel thirsty.

My mother was a HUGE water drinker. Water was pretty much all she drank.

The above link takes you to a infographic the proves, once again, that moms know best.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Confessions of a cranky yogi

Deep breath in.

Let it out.

K. Here goes.

My name is Jennifer, & I am a cranky yogi. Right now i am anyway and ... well, often I am.

This is a difficult post for me to write. However, as i move into the next phase of life, i simply wish to live authentically. First, i need to figure out what exactly living authentically means ... or means for me anyway.

I mean, yoga people are expected to be .... what? Eternally internally mellow and externally fit? Oozing wisdom &  spirituality?

I would love to be a floaty yogi. You know. The ones who have starlight shining from their eyes and sunbeams shooting from their heart chakra. They have the yamas and niyamas down! In fact they climb all over the 8 limbs like circus performing children on monkey bars. Bitches! (see, cranky) They are simply oozing harmony and unity. So much so that Monarchs come to rest on their shoulders attracted by that sweet smelling sweaty nectar of equanimity and non-judgement.

But, I am not all that. The fact of the matter is there is this dark place where i tend to hang out frequently. Whether this place was inherited from my ancestors, or whether it was constructed from conditioning, it can be a  pretty dark place.  Sometimes, it's a place of solace and sometimes a place of deep sadness & loneliness.

My therapist tells me i am depressed. Yes. I said therapist. Because everybody needs someone to talk to sometime. & if i pay someone to listen, at least they'll act like they're listening & not interrupt. Yes?

Deep breath in.
Let it go.

But, here is the thing .... the other side of darkness is light. And honestly, spending too much time on either side is not healthy, in my opinion.  Overly happy people need to calm the hell down and overly sad people need to get over themselves (yeah, i'm including myself in that group).

So, my goal for the year is to work that balance... to take a seat in that space between darkness and light. To bask a little bit in those warm  golden rays of contentment.  Sometimes, in my area if you get to the lake at just the right time, you can see the night sky rolling in from east to west. And there is a moment of time where you are standing right in between night and day. Darkness on one side & light on the other. It's not as though the points are divided so much as they are simply working together. But it's a very comforting and powerful moment for me. And that is kind of how i define contentment - as a resting space between the happiness & sadness.  And i think to live authentically is to be content. Not complacent ... but content. and detached. contentedly detached .... balanced.

So, this is my journey.  Honestly, my chest is a little tight from pangs of anxiety as i write this. I am really a rather private person.  But the first step to anything, really, is accepting the present moment. And maybe there are others who are splashing around in a similar psychological mud pit. And, maybe, just maybe ... i can be of some use after all.

Deep breath in.
Let it go.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year

New Year Message
Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Everyone has a birthright. It is goodness, purity, wisdom and a practical life in tune with the spirit. How to achieve it? Cultivate goodness. Radiate goodness silently, modestly. Become an embodiment of goodness, purity, unity, brotherhood and selfless service. You are essentially divine. You are not just a rational animal. Reflect, meditate and realize your essential spiritual nature. This must be realized through all your normal activities - in thought, word and deed.

There is so much talk of universal brotherhood, unity, love, cooperation, mutual understanding, cultural revival and so forth, but so little practical living of these ideals is to be found. Unless your idealism is vitally and dynamically lived, it is worthless. Being and doing are the need of the hour.
Do not care which way this person goes or that person acts. But do your part fully, sincerely, tenaciously. Be good and do good. Adapt, adjust, accommodate. Let everyone live these ideals. A better society, a better world will emerge out of this. Let spirituality be not a Sunday service affair. It should be accepted as a great universal law.

Before positive goodness, negative evil cannot stand. It is practical, positive goodness that can surely overcome all the vices and evils that one complains about in this world. God has given you common-sense. Act wisely. You will find that darkness gives place to light.

May the Lord bestow upon you all the highest bliss and the profoundest peace in this very life. May love alone prevail everywhere. May peace and prosperity be unto all beings.
                                                                                       Swami Sivananda 
                                                                 (Courtesy:Yoga Magazine, January 2005)