This is a pretty simple introduction to surya namaskar or sun salutations. If the practitioner is just beginning her yogic journey or if the body is achy due to stress or lack of regular asana practice, it is good to slowly build up to what one might consider to be an "advanced" practice.
Please move mindfully and with respect for yourself.
And as always consult your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program.
First, let's warm up.
Begin in tadasana. Be here for a few cycles of breath. Feel as though you are collecting energy from earth and sky on the inhalation. Then distributing this energy through your whole being on the exhalation. Allow yourself to rest in the present moment.
Inhale urdhva hastasana
On the exhale, bring the arms to the sides, bend- bend- bend the knees. Let the shoulders comfortably round forward & roll the the body down towards the toes.
- - feel the contraction of the lower abdominal muscles that occurs at the end of a deep exhalation. & maintain.
- - Let the back relax. Only go to your comfort level.
Inhale - press down into the feet, gently pull the lower belly back and up and roll back up into tadasana & then urdhva hastasana.
- - As you move through this see if you can really connect to the movement of the spine. Allow your mid & upper back to be heavy as you roll up.
- Open up through the chest when in tadasana by rolling the shoulder blades down the back and moving into a slight backbend.
Pull back to center. Nice natural line in the spine.
Move into chandrasana - both sides
- Be aware to keep the lower back happy by keeping the tailbone tucked & the core active.
Move back into urdhva hastasana
Repeat this sequence 3 x.
Move into tadasana.
Inhale the arms overhead.
Exhale, roll the body down - bent knees.
Bring the fingertips to the floor beside the outsides of the feet if you can reach w/out straining. Or bring hands to the sides of the legs if fingers won't reach the floor. Or if you are working with blocks, use those.
On an exhalation, find yourself in uttasana
Inhale - press the hands into the shins or thighs or fingertips into the floor. Keep the head and neck in line with the spine as you lengthen out to a flat back.
- Grow your spine long and forward as though you are reaching through the back in order to touch the wall or whatever is in front of you.
Exhale uttasana
Step the right foot back then drop the right knee down to move into ashwa sanchalanasana
- allow yourself to work with bent knees in uttasana if you are a beginner or if your back and/or hamstrings are especially tight.
- Placing a block under each hand will help in lengthening the spine and activating the core.
With an exhalation straighten the left leg. As you inhale bend the knee. Repeat 3 - 5 x.
The last time the leg is straight, just rest there. Press fingertips into the floor/ blocks.
Inhale the spine long.
Exhale relax the torso out and over the extended leg. Breathe deeply.
Move back into ashwa sanchalasana
Curl the toes of the right foot. Press into the ball of the foot. Lift the knee off the floor. Step the right foot next to the left for uttasana.
Inhale. Press the hands into the shins or thighs or fingertips into the floor/blocks and lengthen into a flat back.
Exhale uttasana.
Inhale. Step the left foot back for ashwa sanchalasana.
Repeat on this side. Ending back in uttasana.
& here we go:
From uttasana, inhale into tadasana - arms overhead.
Exhale move into uttasana
Inhale to a flat back.
Exhale uttasana
Inhale step the right foot back for ashwa sanchalasana Finish your exhalation here
Inhale move the left knee back beside the right.
Tuck your upper arms into the sides of the ribs. Lift up through the hips. With control lower chest and chin towards the floor for a modified 8 point pose (knees, chest & chin)
Slide down onto the belly.
Move into sphinx or bhujangasana (cobra)
Lift up into table top (hands and knees)
Move into half dog hold here.
Slide hips to heels for child's pose. Rest here.
Move into Table top
Curl the toes under. With an exhalation move into downward dog (adho mukhasavasana) *this link has an o.k explanation for moving into the pose for beginners.
Walk feet and fingers towards one another, bringing yourself back into uttasana
Inhale to a flat back.
Exhale uttasana.
Inhale up to tadasana arms overhead. Exhale, anjali mudra (hands at heart)
Repeat this sequence stepping back with the left foot into ashwa sanchalasana
Move through this practice 2 to 4 more times.
Finish your practice by lowering yourself to the floor. Moving to your back.
Relax into reclining twist Hold for at least 30 seconds to 5 minutes on each side.
Move into savasana
And Relax